Tuesday, January 31, 2012

2012 Color Chalenge

The Challenge:
You select a color and shoot with that color in mind, all month long. Then next month, you choose another color. I have a new Canon, and I'm very intimidated by it. It's not just a point and shoot camera, there is alot to learn here. My husband bought it for me to not only to document our growing family but to have a creative outlet but I rarely take it out the truth I am fearful that I'll drop it.  This challenge will force me to work all this out. Now here is the rub I asked my two year old what color we should begin with.....yeah what was I thinking. Well we are starting with the color BROWN. yep brown. Brown isn't exciting but like all colors it can be beautiful. This month has one more day to it and I need to take some photos. I'll do my round up of the color every Thursday. With a "Best of" on the last Thursday of every month. got it? I hope if your interested and able you will join the challenge.

Hosted by Trevor @ Photochallenge.org

I heart books. Moby Dick

I know what you all are thinking. Why oh why would anyone willingly read Moby Dick. I remember in college having to read this and I didn’t make it. Yep, I borrowed the cliff notes and even then only skimmed it. During the written exam I fudged and conned my way through it. Got an A. When I found the book for sale at the library It brought back years of suppressed guilt. I snatched it up and am making an honest effort to read it page by page. It’s more interesting than I remember.

Pinned Image

Drawings of Véronique La Perrière M. - Galerie SAS

Charcoal on paper. I find the following work of Veronique La Perriere M. to be peaceful an unsettling at the same time. What do you think?


Drawings of Véronique La Perrière M. - Galerie SAS

found via http://www.galeriesas.com/

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Custom Inspector Stamp Production - Cranky Printery & Bindery

Inspector Stamp Card

Get your very own inspector stamps and start making a name for yourself all over the place.

If you have more nonsense to say than will fit on one stamp just order more.

At $23 each they are pretty cheap.

Very neat I like this idea a lot. but…….

Be warned. Lots of rules and particulars see website for more info.

Custom Inspector Stamp Production - Cranky Printery & Bindery