Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cupcakes….so much more

The cupcake was said to have made its debut  around 1826 when we can see its first recording in an American cookbook being given its name not for its size and shape but for the quantity of ingredients used within. The controversy arises with a conflicting recipe from 1796 has the cakes baked in cups.  In either case many hold firm that it is an American invention.  For more in the cupcake history please link to

Famous / Infamous Cupcakes in History

Now for some Etsy Cupcake shopping.

 Baby Blue Floral Cupcake Liners (45)MINI Green and White Polka Dot Cupcake Liners (45)Jumbo Cupcake Muffin size Gold Baking Liners (48)MINI Pretty Pastel Tulip Cupcake Liners (45)MINI Elenor Green Floral Designer Cupcake LIners (40)JUMBO Liv Blue with Pink Roses Designer Cupcake LIners (20)

Bird Cupcake StandPorcelain CupcakeDollhouse Miniature - Cupcake Casings - 12 Greasepaper Cases - 16 FoldsKEEP CALM AND HAVE A CUPCAKE ready to frame matted PRINT fits 11x 14 frame vintage RED

Cupcake liners from CupcakeSocial on $3 -$7

Bird cupcake stand from Whitneysmith’s $38

Porcelain cupcake Kgrandey $35

Dollhouse miniature cupcake casings from Snowfern’s Miniatures $4-6

Keep calm and have a cupcake print from Jennysbakeshop $26

From My Home to Yours.



{all photos published with permission} 

Sunday, December 6, 2009

YouTube - How not to make bread


Made some bread today and wanted to make sure I was following proper technique.  This guy sure taught me a thing or two.

Eric Carle Blog

I have read “A very Hungry Caterpillar over 500 times” My oldest makes the munching sound my second likes to poke his finger into the holes and my youngest well she likes how it tastes and I like that it always makes them smile.  Thank you Mr. Eric Carle.

 Eric Carle Blog

Eric Carle Blog

Friday, December 4, 2009


When I was pregnant with my second I had gone for a routine ultra sound, Baby was healthy and looked great the tech informed me though that they were out of printer paper for the ultra sound machine so alas I would not have a picture of the event. I understood and said something like “No worries”. The really neat thing is, when I was leaving the technician came running down the hall. She had the Ultra sound image transferred to an X-ray sheet. How very nice of her to go through the trouble and how very COOL. Looking through some boxes the other day I came across the X-ray sheet. Should I make it into a lamp? Now that I have it what's the best way to display it? Well Google to the rescue, but got sidetracked and found artist Nick Veasey instead just had to share.  photo Nick Veasey


Friday, September 25, 2009

The life of J

J, you are such a handful you truly wear me out. You love pulling our red wagon and all the neighbors think its hilarious that you'll pull your older brother all around the campsite never once wanting to take a break. I think you might pull that wagon all day if given the chance. You are tough, you'll take a nose dive from the couch and come up laughing. Your smart, rarely asking questions you learn by watching and listening. You are so funny with a great laugh. Your Dad said just the other day "J has such a great laugh, right from the belly kind of laugh" he's right. Your growing up and wanting to be so independent. Stay my little boy just a little while longer let me help you once in awhile and hold you tight and imagine your still my little baby boy. When I say for a little while longer how about just a hundred more years thats not to long, right?
love, Mom

Monday, August 3, 2009



1. Max & Cleo, Oragami pleated dress $79
2. Donna Morgan, Linen shirt dress $138
3. BCBGMAXRIA, Splitneck dress $178

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I subscribe to two online magazines. Lmnop and Small. Sometimes they overlap with similar products and articles but I always see something new and special.

The blogging bandwagon..Pixel Couch

By Danish manufacturer Kvadrat- present the pixel couch...We are selling our current couch which has a lot of color on it and most placed there by sticky toddlers, this would be a nice substitute, don't you think. Can I still get it scotchguarded?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

kid bedroom ideas

Where does one get wallpaper like this and how painful is it to hang? In either case what a dramatic statement for a kids bedroom.
I would love to have my daughter in an iron bed someday and I think I prefer the dark color rather than a traditional white. It adds a nice edge to the room. The bird motif is well executed as well and while it is feminine it isn't sickly girly.

The green desk and chair are adorable.

Little Ms. T

A baby girl. T, how nice it is to have another lady in the house. Already I feel the house has softened and the boys seem to respect that you are something they must treat delicately. You have such a sweet disposition, a pleasing gaze and an infectious smile. It is going to be such a joy to watch you grow up and I am ever so thankful to have you here. love mom.

Saturday, January 24, 2009



Most days are sheer chaos, full of quick meltdowns and quicker tears of the frustration that is life. You both have learned to lean on each other, a weird dependency has taken hold on the both of you. S, you have become increasingly protective of J and in turn J you have become S's shadow learning from him all that he will show you (the good habits and bad habits alike). I am comforted in knowing that beyond me and your father you have each other, a unique bond, a friendship stronger than any other in your life. I love you both. Mom.

A Tea Blog Like No Other

Drink a cup of tea and get a thought, take that thought and plug it into a blog for three years. This is exactly what artist Ellie Harrison did it has turned into a strange cult following. An interesting time waster if there ever was one.